From time-to-time SCULPT NATION submits to its clientele, surveys regarding their experience with various SCULPT NATION offers. These results are from surveys conducted in April 2024. SCULPT NATION emails every purchaser of each of its offers, and asks them to participate in a survey related to the products and/or services they have purchased. The surveys are conducted with a view toward determining the average or “typical” results of a purchaser of the products and/or services that SCULPT NATION offers.

Not all customers respond to the surveys. Even among those customers who do respond to SCULPT NATION’s survey requests, such customers may not respond to every question.

The results of each survey conducted are summarized below. Please note that numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number percentage.

APRIL 2024

Burn evolved


66 customers responded to our survey about BURN, a supplement.

80% (53/66) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN.

61% (40/66) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN.

65% (43/66) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN increased their metabolism.

59% (39/66) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN helped them burn body fat.

48% (48/66) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN.

56% (37/66) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN helped them lose weight.

20% (13/66) of customers said they lost more than 20 pounds while taking BURN. 6% (4/66) lost 15-20 pounds, 6% (4/66) lost 10-15 pounds, 17% (11/66) lost 5-10 pounds, and 52% (34/66) lost fewer than 5 pounds while taking BURN.

When asked how well BURN worked for them, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, 33% (22/66) gave BURN a 5, 11% (7/66) gave it a 4, 27% (18/66) gave it a 3, 11% (7/66) gave it a 2, and 18% (12/66) gave it a 1.

77% (58/66) of customers said they would purchase additional products or programs from VSHRED.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend BURN to family and friends, 39% (26/66) gave BURN a 5, 14% (9/66) gave it a 4, 24% (16/66) gave it a 3, 9% (6/66) gave it a 2, and 14% (9/66) gave it a 1.



42 customers responded to our survey about Test Boost Max, a supplement.

60% (25/42) of customers said they experienced an increased libido while taking Test Boost Max.

71% (30/42) of customers said they experienced improved athletic performance while taking Test Boost Max.

71% (30/42) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Test Boost Max.

43% (18/42) of customers said, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them burn body fat.

45% (19/42) of customers said that, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them lose weight.

7% (3/42) of customers reported a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using Test Boost Max. 2% (1/42) of customers said they lost 15-20 pounds, 7% (3/42) of customers said they lost 10-15 pounds, 21% (9/42) of customers said they lost 5-10 pounds, and 62% (26/42) of customers said they lost fewer than 5 pounds, while using Test Boost Max.

57% (24/42) of customers said that, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them gain muscle.

5% (2/42) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 7% or more while taking Test Boost Max. 0% (0/42) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 5-7%, 10% (4/42) reported a muscle mass gain of 3-5%, and 14% (6/42) reported a muscle mass gain of 1-3% while taking Test Boost Max. 71% (30/42) did not measure muscle mass gains.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well Test Boost Max worked for them, 19% (8/42) answered 5, 31% (13/42) answered 4, 26% (11/42) answered 3, 7% (3/42) answered 2, and 17% (7/42) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were to recommend Test Boost Max to family and friends, 31% (13/42) answered 5, 17% (7/42) answered 4, 21% (9/42) answered 3, 12% (5/42) answered 2, and 19% (8/42) answered 1.



30 customers responded to our survey about Turmeric Black, a supplement.

53% (16/30) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Turmeric Black.

50% (15/30) of customers said they experienced less inflammation while taking Turmeric Black.

53% (16/30) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking Turmeric Black.

57% (17/30) of customers said that, in their opinion, Turmeric Black helped them recover faster from their workouts.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well Turmeric Black worked for them, 17% (5/30) answered 5, 33% (10/30) answered 4, 23% (7/30) answered 3, 7% (2/30) answered 2, and 20% (6/30) answered 1.

83% (25/30) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from VSHRED.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were Turmeric Black to family and friends, 27% (8/30) answered 5, 30% (9/30) answered 4, 10% (3/30) answered 3, 7% (2/30) answered 2, and 27% (8/30) answered 1.

76% (32/42) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from VSHRED.

Burn PM


44 customers responded to our survey about BURN PM, a supplement.

64% (28/44) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN PM.

64% (28/44) of customers said, in their opinion they experienced improved sleep quality while taking BURN PM.

61% (27/44) of customers said, in their opinion, that BURN PM helped them get to sleep faster.

57% (25/44) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN PM helped them burn body fat.

41% (18/44) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN PM.

45% (20/44) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN PM.

60% (26/44) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN PM helped them lose weight.

36% (16/44) of customer said, in their opinion, that BURN PM helped them recover fast from workouts.

7% (3/44) of customers said they lost more than 20 pounds while taking BURN PM. 11% (5/44) lost 15-20 pounds, 2% (1/44) lost 10-15 pounds, 16% (7/44) lost 5-10 pounds, and 64% (28/44) lost fewer than 5 pounds while taking BURN PM.

When asked how well BURN PM worked for them, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is "not at all" and 5 is "extremely well", 18% (8/44) gave BURN PM a 5, 23% (10/44) gave it a 4, 25% (11/44) gave it a 3, 11% (5/44) gave it a 2, and 23% (10/44) gave it a 1.

89% (39/44) of customers said they would purchase additional products or programs from VSHRED.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is "not at all" and 5 is "extremely likely", if they would recommend BURN PM to family and friends, 25% (11/44) gave BURN PM a 5, 18% (8/44) gave it a 4, 23% (10/44) gave it a 3, 7% (3/44) gave it a 2, and 27% (12/44) gave it a 1.

Test Boost Max + Ripped in 90 Days


45 customers responded to our survey about TEST BOOST + RIPPED IN 90 DAYS (RI90+TB), a program and supplement package.

42% (19/45) of customers said they experienced an increased libido while taking Test Boost Max.

53% (24/45) of customers said they experienced improved athletic performance while taking Test Boost Max.

53% (24/45) of customers said, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them lose body fat.

58% (26/45) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Test Boost Max.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 4% (2/45) customers described their fitness level as “very fit”. 71% (32/45) said they were “somewhat fit”, and 24% (11/45) said they were “not fit at all”.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 22% (10/45) of customers said that they exercised 5 or more times per week. 49% (22/45) said they exercised 2-4 times per week; 0% (0/45) said once per week; 13% (6/45) said less than once per week; and 16% (7/45) said they did not exercise at all.

Once they started RI90+TB, 47% (21/45) of customers said that they worked out more frequently. 22% (10/45) said that they worked out more frequently with RI90+TB and their workouts were longer. 18% (8/45) said that they worked out more frequently with RI90+TB, but their workouts were shorter. 13% (6/45) said they worked out less frequently since starting RI90+TB.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 69% (31/45) of customers described their diet as “somewhat healthy.” 13% (6/45) said their diet was “very healthy” and 18% (8/45) said their diet was “not healthy at all.”

31% (14/45) of customers said that they “started eating healthier” since starting RI90+TB. 38% (17/45) said that, since starting RI90+TB, that their “diet became much more geared towards [their] workouts”. 7% (3/45) said that they had been eating “less healthy” since starting RI90+TB. 24% (11/45) said that RI90+TB had no impact on their diet.

When purchasing RI90+TB, 38% (17/45) of customers stated that weight loss was their primary goal in terms of body transformation. 2% (1/45) wanted to lose inches; 42% (19/45) wanted to lose body fat; and 18% (8/45) wanted to build muscle mass.

2% (1/45) of customers said that they gained 15-20 pounds of lean muscle mass while using RI90+TB. 11% (5/45) said that they gained 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass; 27% (12/45) said that they gained 5-10 pounds of lean muscle mass, and 60% (27/45) said they gained fewer than 5 pounds of lean muscle mass while using RI90+TB.

9% (4/45) of customers said that they lost 7% of their body fat or more, while using RI90+TB. 7% (3/45) said they lost 5-7%, 16% (7/45) said they lost 3-5%, and 12% (6/45) said they lost 1-3% of their body fat while using RI90+TB. 56% (25/45) of customers said that they did not measure body fat loss.

JUNE 2023

Burn evolved


818 customers responded to our survey about BURN, a supplement.

50% (407/818) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN.

47% (386/818) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN.

45% (366/818) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN increased their metabolism.

41% (332/818) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN helped them burn body fat.

46% (380/818) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN.

39% (321/818) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN helped them lose weight.

5% (45/818) of customers said they lost more than 20 pounds while taking BURN. 5% (40/818) lost 15-20 pounds, 8% (65/818) lost 10-15 pounds, 15% (119/818) lost 5-10 pounds, and 67% (549/818) lost fewer than 5 pounds while taking BURN.

When asked how well BURN worked for them, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, 14% (112/818) gave BURN a 5, 15% (123/818) gave it a 4, 18% (145/818) gave it a 3, 14% (111/818) gave it a 2, and 40% (327/818) gave it a 1.

57% (469/818) of customers said they would purchase additional products or programs from VSHRED.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend BURN to family and friends, 19% (159/818) gave BURN a 5, 15% (121/818) gave it a 4, 16% (128/818) gave it a 3, 10% (80/818) gave it a 2, and 40% (330/818) gave it a 1.



344 customers responded to our survey about Test Boost Max, a supplement.

47% (162/344) of customers said they experienced an increased libido while taking Test Boost Max.

54% (186/344) of customers said they experienced improved athletic performance while taking Test Boost Max.

57% (197/344) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Test Boost Max.

44% (150/344) of customers said, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them burn body fat.

39% (134/344) of customers said that, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them lose weight.

5% (16/344) of customers reported a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using Test Boost Max. 5% (18/344) of customers said they lost 15-20 pounds, 9% (30/344) of customers said they lost 10-15 pounds, 14% (48/344) of customers said they lost 5-10 pounds, and 67% (232/344) of customers said they lost fewer than 5 pounds, while using Test Boost Max.

50% (175/344) of customers said that, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them gain muscle.

Less than 1% (3/344) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 7% or more while taking Test Boost Max. 3% (11/344) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 5-7%, 6% (22/344) reported a muscle mass gain of 3-5%, and 18% (63/344) reported a muscle mass gain of 1-3% while taking Test Boost Max. 71% (245/344) did not measure muscle mass gains.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well Test Boost Max worked for them, 17% (57/344) answered 5, 23% (80/344) answered 4, 21% (72/344) answered 3, 10% (34/344) answered 2, and 29% (101/344) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were to recommend Test Boost Max to family and friends, 24% (83/344) answered 5, 22% (76/344) answered 4, 15% (50/344) answered 3, 8% (28/344) answered 2, and 31% (107/344) answered 1.

65% (224/344) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.



258 customers responded to our survey about Turmeric Black, a supplement.

40% (102/258) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Turmeric Black.

53% (138/258) of customers said they experienced less inflammation while taking Turmeric Black.

45% (115/258) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking Turmeric Black.

45% (117/258) of customers said that, in their opinion, Turmeric Black helped them recover faster from their workouts.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well Turmeric Black worked for them, 19% (49/258) answered 5, 22% (57/258) answered 4, 24% (63/258) answered 3, 12% (32/258) answered 2, and 22% (57/258) answered 1.

69% (177/258) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from VSHRED.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were Turmeric Black to family and friends, 25% (64/258) answered 5, 18% (46/258) answered 4, 19% (50/258) answered 3, 9% (23/258) answered 2, and 29% (75/258) answered 1.

Burn PM


341 customers responded to our survey about BURN PM, a supplement.

50% (171/341) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN PM.

54% (185/341) of customers said, in their opinion, they experienced improved sleep quality while taking BURN PM.

47% (161/341) of customers said, in their opinion, that BURN PM helped them get to sleep faster.

44% (149/341) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN PM helped them burn body fat.

41% (139/341) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN PM.

37% (127/341) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN PM.

40% (138/341) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN PM helped them lose weight.

32% (110/341) of customers said, in their opinion, that BURN PM helped them recover fast from workouts.

6% (21/341) of customers said they lost more than 20 pounds while taking BURN PM. 5% (18/341) lost 15-20 pounds, 7% (24/341) lost 10-15 pounds, 16% (54/341) lost 5-10 pounds, and 66% (224/341) lost fewer than 5 pounds while taking BURN PM.

When asked how well BURN PM worked for them, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, 14% (49/341) gave BURN PM a 5, 17% (57/341) gave it a 4, 21% (72/341) gave it a 3, 13% (44/341) gave it a 2, and 35% (119/341) gave it a 1.

67% (227/341) of customers said they would purchase additional products or programs from VSHRED.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend BURN PM to family and friends, 23% (78/341) gave BURN PM a 5, 13% (44/341) gave it a 4, 18% (63/341) gave it a 3, 10% (34/341) gave it a 2, and 36% (122/341) gave it a 1.

Test Boost Max + Ripped in 90 Days


120 customers responded to our survey about TEST BOOST + RIPPED IN 90 DAYS (RI90+TB), a program and supplement package.

54% (65/120) of customers said they experienced an increased libido while taking Test Boost Max.

58% (70/120) of customers said they experienced improved athletic performance while taking Test Boost Max.

45% (54/120) of customers said, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them lose body fat.

59% (71/120) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Test Boost Max.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 9% (11/120) customers described their fitness level as “very fit”. 69% (83/120) said they were “somewhat fit”, and 22% (26/120) said they were “not fit at all”.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 23% (27/120) of customers said that they exercised 5 or more times per week. 43% (52/120) said they exercised 2-4 times per week; 13% (16/120) said once per week; 10% (12/120) said less than once per week; and 11% (13/120) said they did not exercise at all.

Once they started RI90+TB, 40% (48/120) of customers said that they worked out more frequently. 13% (16/120) said that they worked out more frequently with RI90+TB and their workouts were longer. 17% (20/120) said that they worked out more frequently with RI90+TB, but their workouts were shorter. 30% (36/120) said they worked out less frequently since starting RI90+TB.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 60% (72/120) of customers described their diet as “somewhat healthy.” 22.5% (27/120) said their diet was “very healthy” and 17.5% (21/120) said their diet was “not healthy at all.”

28% (33/120) of customers said that they “started eating healthier” since starting RI90+TB. 25% (30/120) said that, since starting RI90+TB, that their “diet became much more geared towards [their] workouts”. Less than 1% (2/120) said that they had been eating “less healthy” since starting RI90+TB. 46% (55/120) said that RI90+TB had no impact on their diet.

When purchasing RI90+TB, 30% (36/120) of customers stated that weight loss was their primary goal in terms of body transformation. 8% (10/120) wanted to lose inches; 41% (49/120) wanted to lose body fat; and 21% (25/120) wanted to build muscle mass.

2.5% (3/120) of customers said that they gained 15-20 pounds of lean muscle mass while using RI90+TB. 11% (13/120) said that they gained 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass; 24% (29/120) said that they gained 5-10 pounds of lean muscle mass, and 62.5% (75/120) said they gained fewer than 5 pounds of lean muscle mass while using RI90+TB.

8% (10/120) customers said that they lost 7% of their body fat or more, while using RI90+TB. 7% (8/120) said they lost 5-7%, 8% (10/120) said they lost 3-5%, and 14% (17/120) said they lost 1-3% of their body fat while using RI90+TB. 63% (75/120) of customers said that they did not measure body fat loss.

50% (109/120) of customers said that they lost between 1 and 5 inches while using RI90+TB. 7% (8/120) lost 6-10 inches; and 3% (3/120) said that they lost 11-15 inches while using RI90+TB.

9% (11/120) of customers reported a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using RI90+TB. 7.5% (9/120) of customers said they lost 16-20 pounds; 2.5% (3/120) of customers said they lost 11-15 pounds, 16% (19/120) of customers said they lost 6-10 pounds; 24% (29/120) of customers said they lost 1-5 pounds; and 41% (49/120) of customers said that they did not lose any weight during the course of RI90+TB.

2.5% (3/120) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 7% or more while using RI90+TB. 7.5% (9/120) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 5-7%, 8% (10/120) reported a muscle mass gain of 3-5%, and 15% (18/120) reported a muscle mass gain of 1-3% while using RI90+TB. 67% (80/120) did not measure muscle mass gains.

89% (107/120) of customers said that they have not completed Ripped in 90 Days more than once.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “extremely difficult” and 5 is “extremely easy”, how easy it was to follow the program, 22% (26/120) said that Ripped in 90 Days was a 5; 14% (17/120) answered 4; 29% (35/120) answered 3; 16% (19/120) answered 2; and 19% (23/120) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “I didn’t follow it at all” and 5 is “I followed every detail”, how closely they followed the program, 17% (20/120) said that they followed Ripped in 90 at a 5; 20% (24/120) answered 4; 26% (31/120) answered 3; 13% (16/120) answered 2; and 24% (29/120) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were to recommend RI90+TB to family and friends, 27% (32/120) answered 5, 21% (25/120) answered 4, 17.5% (21/120) answered 3, 7.5% (9/120) answered 2, and 27.5% (33/120) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well” how well Test Boost Max worked for them, 19% (23/120) of customers answered 5; 24% (29/120) answered 4; 19% (23/120) answered 3; 11% (13/120) answered 2; and 27% (32/120) answered 1.

67% (80/120) of customers who purchased RI90+TB said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

JULY 2022

From time-to-time SCULPT NATION submits to its clientele, surveys regarding their experience with various SCULPT NATION offers. SCULPT NATION emails every purchaser of each of its offers and asks them to participate in a survey related to the products and/or services they have purchased. The surveys are conducted with a view toward determining the average or “typical” results of a purchaser of the products and/or services that SCULPT NATION offers.

Not all customers respond to the surveys. Even among those customers who do respond to SCULPT NATION’s survey requests, such customers may not respond to every question.

The results of each survey conducted are summarized below. Please note that numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number percentage.

Burn evolved


202 customers responded to our survey about BURN EVOLVED, a supplement.

72% (146/202) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN EVOLVED.

64% (129/202) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN EVOLVED.

75% (151/202) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED increased their metabolism.

70% (141/202) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them burn body fat.

78% (157/202) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN EVOLVED.

70% (141/202) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them lose weight.

12% (25/202) of customers said they lost more than 20 pounds while taking BURN EVOLVED. 7% (15/202) lost 15-20 pounds, 10% (21/202) lost 10-15 pounds, 25% (51/202) lost 5-10 pounds, and 46% (90/202) lost fewer than 5 pounds while taking BURN EVOLVED.

When asked how well BURN EVOLVED worked for them, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, 29% (59/202) gave BURN EVOLVED a 5, 26% (53/202) gave it a 4, 26% (52/202) gave it a 3, 6% (13/202) gave it a 2, and 12% (25/202) gave it a 1.

86% (174/202) of customers said they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend BURN EVOLVED to family and friends, 42% (85/202) gave BURN EVOLVED a 5, 23% (47/202) gave it a 4, 17% (35/202) gave it a 3, 6% (12/202) gave it a 2, and 11% (23/202) gave it a 1.

58% (117/202) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 41% (83/202) identify as male.

37% (74/202) of customers are over the age of 55. 29% (58/202) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 24% (48/202) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 7% (14/202) are between 25 and 34 years of age. 1% (3/202) are under the age of 24. 2% (5/202) preferred not to answer.



108 customers responded to our survey about Test Boost Max, a supplement.

58% (63/108) of customers said they experienced an increased libido while taking Test Boost Max.

72% (78/108) of customers said they experienced improved athletic performance while taking Test Boost Max.

76% (82/108) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Test Boost Max.

61% (66/108) of customers said, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them burn body fat.

56% (61/108) of customers said that, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them lose weight.

12% (13/108) of customers reported a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using Test Boost Max. 10% (11/108) of customers said they lost 15-20 pounds, 6% (7/108) of customers said they lost 10-15 pounds, 21% (23/108) of customers said they lost 5-10 pounds, and 50% (54/108) of customers said they lost fewer than 5 pounds, while using Test Boost Max.

60% (65/108) of customers said that, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them gain muscle.

3% (3/108) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 7% or more while taking Test Boost Max. 3% (3/108) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 5-7%, 4% (5/108) reported a muscle mass gain of 3-5%, and 15% (16/108) reported a muscle mass gain of 1-3% while taking Test Boost Max. 75% (81/108) did not measure muscle mass gains.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well Test Boost Max worked for them, 19% (20/108) answered 5, 37% (40/108) answered 4, 27% (29/108) answered 3, 8% (9/108) answered 2, and 9% (10/108) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were to recommend Test Boost Max to family and friends, 30% (32/108) answered 5, 36% (39/108) answered 4, 19% (21/108) answered 3, 6% (7/108) answered 2, and 8% (9/108) answered 1.

89% (96/108) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

91% (98/108) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as male.

34% (37/108) of customers are over the age of 55. 38% (41/108) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 14% (15/108) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 9% (10/108) are between 25 and 34 years of age. Less than 1% (1/108) are under the age of 24. 4% (4/108) preferred not to answer.



100 customers responded to our survey about Turmeric Black, a supplement.

66% (66/100) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Turmeric Black.

71% (71/100) of customers said they experienced less inflammation while taking Turmeric Black.

67% (67/100) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking Turmeric Black.

66% (66/100) of customers said that, in their opinion, Turmeric Black helped them recover faster from their workouts.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well Turmeric Black worked for them, 28% (28/100) answered 5, 36% (36/100) answered 4, 22% (22/100) answered 3, 9% (9/100) answered 2, and 5% (5/100) answered 1.

91% (91/100) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were Turmeric Black to family and friends, 50% (50/100) answered 5, 26% (26/100) answered 4, 15% (15/100) answered 3, 6% (6/100) answered 2, and 3% (3/100) answered 1.

52% (52/100) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 48% (48/100) identify as male.

37% (37/100) of customers are over the age of 55. 28% (28/100) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 24% (24/100) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 11% (11/100) are between 25 and 34 years of age.

Burn PM


271 customers responded to our survey about BURN PM, a supplement.

71% (192/271) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN PM.

65% (176/271) of customers said, in their opinion, they experienced improved sleep quality while taking BURN PM.

57% (154/271) of customers said, in their opinion, that BURN PM helped them get to sleep faster.

69% (188/271) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN PM helped them burn body fat.

58% (157/271) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN PM.

70% (191/271) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN PM.

66% (178/271) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN PM helped them lose weight.

58% (157/271) of customers said, in their opinion, that BURN PM helped them recover fast from workouts.

13% (34/271) of customers said they lost more than 20 pounds while taking BURN PM. 9% (24/271) lost 15-20 pounds, 13% (35/271) lost 10-15 pounds, 24% (66/271) lost 5-10 pounds, and 41% (112/271) lost fewer than 5 pounds while taking BURN PM.

When asked how well BURN PM worked for them, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, 24% (66/271) gave BURN PM a 5, 32% (87/271) gave it a 4, 20% (55/271) gave it a 3, 10% (28/271) gave it a 2, and 13% (35/271) gave it a 1.

85% (231/271) of customers said they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend BURN PM to family and friends, 38% (103/271) gave BURN PM a 5, 25% (67/271) gave it a 4, 19% (52/271) gave it a 3, 7% (19/271) gave it a 2, and 11% (30/271) gave it a 1.

63% (171/271) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 37% (99/271) identify as male. Less than 1% (1/271) preferred not to answer.

37% (100/271) of customers are over the age of 55. 35% (94/271) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 22% (59/271) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 6% (17/271) are between 25 and 34 years of age. Less than 1% (1/271) preferred not to answer.

Burn evolved + fat loss xtreme


62 customers responded to our survey about BURN EVOLVED + Fat Loss Extreme.

61% (38/62) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN EVOLVED.

52% (32/62) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN EVOLVED.

55% (34/62) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED increased their metabolism.

55% (34/62) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them burn body fat.

55% (34/62) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN EVOLVED.

48% (30/62) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them lose weight.

10% (6/62) of customers described themselves as being “very fit” prior to purchasing Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 53% (33/62) described themselves as “somewhat fit”, and 37% (23/62) as “not fit at all”.

Prior to purchasing Fat Loss Extreme 24% (15/62) of customers worked out more than 5 times per week. 34% (21/62) worked out 2-4 times per week, 10% (6/62) worked out once per week, 14% (9/62) worked out less than once per week, and 18% (11/62) didn’t work out at all.

Once they started Fat Loss Extreme, 40% (25/62) of customers said they worked out more frequently. 24% (15/62) said they worked out more frequently with Fat Loss Extreme, but that their workouts were shorter. 8% (5/62) worked out more frequently with Fat Loss Extreme and their workouts were longer. 27% (17/62) said they worked out less frequently after starting Fat Loss Extreme.

Prior to purchasing Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED, 21% (13/62) of customers described their diet as “very healthy”. 63% (39/62) described their diet as “somewhat healthy”, and 16% (10/62) described their diet as “not healthy at all”.

22% (14/62) of customers said that they started eating healthier with Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED, and 29% (18/62) stated that their diet became more focused toward their goals. 47% (29/62) of customers said that Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED has no impact on their diet, and 2% (1/62) said that they ate less healthy.

45% (28/62) of customers said that their primary body transformation goal when purchasing Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED was to lose weight. 39% (24/62) had the primary body transformation goal of losing body fat. 13% (8/62) wanted to lose inches, and 3% (2/62) wanted to build muscle mass.

2% (1/62) of customers said that they gained 20 or more pounds of lean muscle mass while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 2% (1/62) said that they gained 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass, 6% (4/62) said that they gained 5-10 pounds of lean muscle mass, and 16% (10/62) said they gained fewer than 5 pounds of lean muscle mass while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 74% (46/62) said that they did not measure their lean muscle.

5% (3/62) of customers said that they lost 7% of their body fat, or more, while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 3% (2/62) lost between 5 and 7%, 8% (5/62) lost between 3 and 5%, and 21% (13/62) lost between 1 and 3% of their body fat while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 63% (39/62) did not measure their body fat loss.

85% (53/62) of customers said that they lost between 1 and 5 inches while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 11% (7/62) lost 6-10 inches. 2% (1/62) said that they lost 16-20 inches, and 2% (1/62) said that they lost 20 inches or more.

29% (18/62) of customers said that they lost between 1 and 5 pounds while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 10% (6/62) lost 6-10 pounds, 10% (6/62) lost 11-15 pounds, 5% (3/62) lost 16-20 pounds, and 11% (7/62) said that they had a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 35% (22/62) said that they did not lose any weight while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED.

85% (53/62) of customers said that they did not measure their muscle mass gains while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 8% (5/62) of customers said that they gained 1-3% muscle mass, 3% (2/62) said that they gained 3-5% muscle mass, and 3% (2/62) said that they gained 5-7% muscle mass while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED.

9% (6/62) of customers said that “Fat Loss Extreme was tailor-made for me”. 18% (11/62) said they felt that Fat Loss Extreme was more customized than other programs they had tried. 18% (11/62) said they felt that Fat Loss Extreme was no more nor less customized than other programs they had tried. 18% (11/62) said that Fat Loss Extreme felt less customized than other programs they had tried. 37% (23/62) of customers said that they have not tried any other programs.

89% (55/62) of customers did not complete Fat Loss Extreme more than once.

On a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “extremely difficult” and 5 is “extremely easy”, 23% (14/62) of customers ranked Fat Loss Extreme a 5, 18% (11/62) ranked it a 4, 32% (20/62) ranked it a 3, 11% (7/62) ranked it a 2, and 16% (10/62) ranked it a 1.

Customers were asked to indicate, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “I didn’t follow it at all” and 5 is “I followed every detail”, how well they followed Fat Loss Extreme. 11% (7/62) gave an answer of 5, 29% (18/62) gave an answer of 4, 31% (19/62) gave an answer of 3, 6% (4/62) gave an answer of 2, and 23% (14/62) gave an answer of 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED to family and friends, 31% (19/62) answered 5, 10% (6/62) answered 4, 19% (12/62) answered 3, 10% (6/62) answered 2, and 31% (19/62) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well BURN EVOLVED worked for them, 24% (15/62) answered 5, 13% (8/62) answered 4, 16% (10/62) answered 3, 11% (7/62) answered 2, and 35% (22/62) answered 1.

60% (37/62) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

53% (33/62) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 45% (33/62) identify as male. 2% (1/62) preferred not to answer.

58% (36/62) of customers are over the age of 55. 19% (12/62) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 18% (11/62) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 2% (1/62) are between 25 and 34 years of age. 2% (1/62) are under the age of 24. 2% (1/62) preferred not to answer.

Test Boost Max + Ripped in 90 Days


291 customers responded to our survey about TEST BOOST + RIPPED IN 90 DAYS (RI90+TB), a program and supplement package.

48% (139/291) of customers said they experienced an increased libido while taking Test Boost Max.

63% (183/291) of customers said they experienced improved athletic performance while taking Test Boost Max.

53% (154/291) of customers said, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them lose body fat.

62% (179/291) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Test Boost Max.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 8% (22/291) customers described their fitness level as “very fit”. 65% (190/291) said they were “somewhat fit”, and 27% (79/291) said they were “not fit at all”.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 23% (67/291) of customers said that they exercised 5 or more times per week. 46% (134/291) said they exercised 2-4 times per week; 15% (45/291) said once per week; 10% (30/291) said less than once per week; and 5% (15/291) said they did not exercise at all.

Once they started RI90+TB, 48% (141/291) of customers said that they worked out more frequently. 14% (40/291) said that they worked out more frequently with RI90+TB and their workouts were longer. 15% (45/291) said that they worked out more frequently with RI90+TB, but their workouts were shorter. 22% (65/291) said they worked out less frequently since starting RI90+TB.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 71% (206/291) of customers described their diet as “somewhat healthy.” 14% (41/291) said their diet was “very healthy” and 15% (44/291) said their diet was “not healthy at all.”

25% (74/291) of customers said that they “started eating healthier” since starting RI90+TB. 31% (91/291) said that, since starting RI90+TB, that their “diet became much more focused towards [their] goals”. 4% (12/291) said that they had been eating “less healthy” since starting RI90+TB. 39% (114/291) said that RI90+TB had no impact on their diet.

When purchasing RI90+TB, 27% (80/291) of customers stated that weight loss was their primary goal in terms of body transformation. 7% (19/291) wanted to lose inches; 42% (122/291) wanted to lose body fat; and 24% (70/291) wanted to build muscle mass.

About 1% (4/291) of customers said that they gained 20 pounds or more of lean muscle mass while using RI90+TB. Less than 1% (2/291) said that they gained 15-20 pounds of lean muscle mass; 6% (17/291) said that they gained 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass; 33% (95/291) said that they gained 5-10 pounds of lean muscle mass, and 59% (173/291) said they gained fewer than 5 pounds of lean muscle mass while using RI90+TB.

3% (9/291) customers said that they lost 7% of their body fat or more, while using RI90+TB. 4% (12/291) said they lost 5-7%, 13% (37/291) said they lost 3-5%, and 23% (67/291) said they lost 1-3% of their body fat while using RI90+TB. 57% (166/291) of customers said that they did not measure body fat loss.

92% (269/291) of customers said that they lost between 1 and 5 inches while using RI90+TB. 6% (17/291) lost 6-10 inches; 1% (3/291) said that they lost 11-15 inches; and less than 1% (2/291) said that they lost 16-20 inches while using RI90+TB.

About 2% (5/291) of customers reported a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using RI90+TB. 4% (11/291) of customers said they lost 16-20 pounds; 10% (28/291) of customers said they lost 11-15 pounds, 15% (45/291) of customers said they lost 6-10 pounds; 36% (10/291) of customers said they lost 1-5 pounds; and 34% (98/291) of customers said that they did not lose any weight during the course of RI90+TB.

3% (8/291) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 7% or more while using RI90+TB. 5% (14/291) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 5-7%, 10% (30/291) reported a muscle mass gain of 3-5%, and 13% (37/291) reported a muscle mass gain of 1-3% while using RI90+TB. 69% (202/291) did not measure muscle mass gains.

7% (20/291) of customers said that “Ripped in 90 Days was tailor-made for me”. 18% (52/291) said they felt that Ripped in 90 Days was more customized than other programs they had tried. 17% (49/291) said they felt that Ripped in 90 Days was no more nor less customized than other programs they had tried. 7% (22/291) said that Ripped in 90 Days felt less customized than other programs they had tried. 51% (148/291) of customers said that they have not tried any other programs.

95% (275/291) of customers said that they have not completed Ripped in 90 Days more than once.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “extremely difficult” and 5 is “extremely easy”, how easy it was to follow the program, 17% (50/291) said that Ripped in 90 Days was a 5; 23% (68/291) answered 4; 24% (99/291) answered 3; 10% (29/291) answered 2; and 15% (45/291) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “I didn’t follow it at all” and 5 is “I followed every detail”, how closely they followed the program, 9% (25/291) said that they followed Ripped in 90 at a 5; 26% (75/291) answered 4; 29% (85/291) answered 3; 13% (38/291) answered 2; and 23% (68/291) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were to recommend RI90+TB to family and friends, 25% (73/291) answered 5, 26% (75/291) answered 4, 18% (52/291) answered 3, 8% (23/291) answered 2, and 23% (68/291) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well” how well Test Boost Max worked for them, 19% (55/291) of customers answered 5; 25% (72/291) answered 4; 25% (73/291) answered 3; 10% (30/291) answered 2; and 21% (61/291) answered 1.

71% (207/291) of customers who purchased RI90+TB said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

98% (285/291) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as male.

32% (94/291) of customers are over the age of 55. 27% (78/291) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 28% (82/291) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 11% (33/291) are between 25 and 34 years of age. About 1% (4/291) preferred not to answer.

November 2021

From time-to-time SCULPT NATION submits to its clientele, surveys regarding their experience with various SCULPT NATION offers. These results are from surveys conducted in November of 2021. SCULPT NATION emails every purchaser of each of its offers and asks them to participate in a survey related to the products and/or services they have purchased. The surveys are conducted with a view toward determining the average or “typical” results of a purchaser of the products and/or services that SCULPT NATION offers.

Not all customers respond to the surveys. Even among those customers who do respond to SCULPT NATION’s survey requests, such customers may not respond to every question.

The results of each survey conducted are summarized below. Please note that numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number percentage.

Burn evolved


198 customers responded to our survey about BURN EVOLVED, a supplement.

77% (152/198) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN EVOLVED.

66% (131/198) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN EVOLVED.

75% (149/198) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED increased their metabolism.

74% (147/198) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them burn body fat.

74% (146/198) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN EVOLVED.

70% (139/198) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them lose weight.

18% (35/198) of customers said they lost more than 20 pounds while taking BURN EVOLVED. 11% (15/198) lost 15-20 pounds, 14% (27/198) lost 10-15 pounds, 22% (44/198) lost 5-10 pounds, and 35% (69/198) lost fewer than 5 pounds while taking BURN EVOLVED.

When asked how well BURN EVOLVED worked for them, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, 34% (67/198) gave BURN EVOLVED a 5, 26% (52/198) gave it a 4, 22% (43/198) gave it a 3, 9% (18/198) gave it a 2, and 9% (18/198) gave it a 1.

90% (178/198) of customers said they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend BURN EVOLVED to family and friends, 38% (75/198) gave BURN EVOLVED a 5, 29% (57/198) gave it a 4, 18% (36/198) gave it a 3, 6% (12/198) gave it a 2, and 9% (18/198) gave it a 1.

52% (103/198) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 48% (95/198) identify as male.

41% (81/198) of customers are over the age of 55. 23% (45/198) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 24% (48/198) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 9% (18/198) are between 25 and 34 years of age. 1% (2/198) are under the age of 24. 2% (4/198) preferred not to answer.



147 customers responded to our survey about Test Boost Max, a supplement.

59% (87/147) of customers said they experienced an increased libido while taking Test Boost Max.

61% (90/147) of customers said they experienced improved athletic performance while taking Test Boost Max.

73% (108/147) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Test Boost Max.

59% (86/147) of customers said, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them burn body fat.

52% (76/147) of customers said that, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them lose weight.

10% (15/147) of customers reported a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using Test Boost Max. 6% (9/147) of customers said they lost 15-20 pounds, 6% (9/147) of customers said they lost 10-15 pounds, 18% (27/147) of customers said they lost 5-10 pounds, and 59% (82/147) of customers said they lost fewer than 5 pounds, while using Test Boost Max.

56% (83/147) of customers said that, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them gain muscle.

5% (7/147) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 7% or more while taking Test Boost Max. 6% (9/147) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 5-7%, 5% (8/147) reported a muscle mass gain of 3-5%, and 14% (21/147) reported a muscle mass gain of 1-3% while taking Test Boost Max. 69% (102/147) did not measure muscle mass gains.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well Test Boost Max worked for them, 18% (27/147) answered 5, 31% (46/147) answered 4, 23% (34/147) answered 3, 15% (22/147) answered 2, and 12% (18/147) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were to recommend Test Boost Max to family and friends, 32% (47/147) answered 5, 24% (36/147) answered 4, 17% (25/147) answered 3, 11% (16/147) answered 2, and 16% (23/147) answered 1.

82% (120/147) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

95% (139/147) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as male.

47% (69/147) of customers are over the age of 55. 25% (37/147) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 14% (20/147) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 10% (14/147) are between 25 and 34 years of age. Less than 1% (2/147) are under the age of 24. 4% (6/147) preferred not to answer.



114 customers responded to our survey about Turmeric Black, a supplement.

70% (80/114) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Turmeric Black.

66% (75/114) of customers said they experienced less inflammation while taking Turmeric Black.

75% (85/114) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking Turmeric Black.

66% (75/114) of customers said that, in their opinion, Turmeric Black helped them recover faster from their workouts.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well Turmeric Black worked for them, 33% (38/114) answered 5, 30% (34/114) answered 4, 25% (28/114) answered 3, 8% (9/114) answered 2, and 4% (5/114) answered 1.

83% (95/114) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were Turmeric Black to family and friends, 43% (49/114) answered 5, 29% (33/114) answered 4, 16% (18/114) answered 3, 8% (9/114) answered 2, and 4% (5/114) answered 1.

52% (59/114) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 47% (54/114) identify as male. Less than 1% (1/114) preferred not to answer.

36% (41/114) of customers are over the age of 55. 34% (29/114) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 15% (17/114) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 12% (14/114) are between 25 and 34 years of age. 2% (2/114) are under the age of 24.

Burn PM


196 customers responded to our survey about BURN PM, a supplement.

70% (138/196) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN PM.

61% (120/196) of customers said, in their opinion, they experienced improved sleep quality while taking BURN PM.

54% (105/196) of customers said, in their opinion, that BURN PM helped them get to sleep faster.

70% (137/196) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN PM helped them burn body fat.

60% (117/196) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN PM.

73% (114/196) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN PM.

66% (130/196) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN PM helped them lose weight.

52% (103/196) of customers said, in their opinion, that BURN PM helped them recover fast from workouts.

17% (33/196) of customers said they lost more than 20 pounds while taking BURN PM. 10% (20/196) lost 15-20 pounds, 14% (27/196) lost 10-15 pounds, 19% (37/196) lost 5-10 pounds, and 40% (79/196) lost fewer than 5 pounds while taking BURN PM.

When asked how well BURN PM worked for them, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, 32% (62/196) gave BURN PM a 5, 26% (51/196) gave it a 4, 22% (44/196) gave it a 3, 9% (18/196) gave it a 2, and 11% (21/196) gave it a 1.

85% (167/196) of customers said they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend BURN PM to family and friends, 41% (81/196) gave BURN PM a 5, 23% (46/196) gave it a 4, 17% (33/196) gave it a 3, 6% (12/196) gave it a 2, and 12% (24/196) gave it a 1.

58% (83/196) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 42% (83/196) identify as male.

43% (84/196) of customers are over the age of 55. 30% (59/196) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 18% (35/196) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 7% (13/196) are between 25 and 34 years of age. 1% (2/196) are under the age of 24. 1% (3/196) declined to respond.


887 customers responded to our survey about Fat Loss Extreme (FLE), a program.

Prior to purchasing FLE, 51% (456/887) of customers described themselves as “not fit at all”. 47% (413/887) described themselves as “somewhat fit” and 2% (18/887) described themselves as “very fit”.

Prior to purchasing FLE, 35% (312/887) of customers said that they exercised 2-4 times per week. 11% (102/887) exercised 5 or more times per week; 15% (129/887) exercised once per week; 23% (204/887) exercised less than once per week; and 16% (140/887) did not exercise at all.

44% (393/887) of customer said that they worked out more frequently during FLE. 27% (239/887) said that they worked out more frequently, but their workouts were shorter during FLE; 7% (59/887) said that they worked our more frequently, but their workouts were longer during FLE; and 22% (196/887) said that they worked out less during FLE.

Prior to purchasing FLE, 69% (610/887) of customers described their diet as “somewhat healthy.” 10% (94/887) said their diet was “very healthy”; and 21% (183/887) said their diet was “not healthy at all”.

30% (268/887) of customers said that they started eating healthier during FLE. 38% (337/887) of customers said that their diet became more focused toward their goals during FLE; 28% (250/887) said that FLE had no impact on their diet; and 4% (32/887) said they ate less healthy during FLE.

When purchasing FLE, 55% (491/887) of customers said that their goal was to lose weight. 8% (74/887) wanted to lose inches; 33% (289/887) wanted to lose body fat; and 4% (33/887) wanted to build muscle mass.

61% (540/887) of customers gained 5-10 pounds of lean muscle mass; 5% (47/887) said they gained 10-15; and 2% (14/887) said they gained 15-20. Less than 1% (7/887) said they gained more than 20 pounds of lean muscle mass, and 31% (279/887) said that this was not a goal.

46% (412/887) of customers said that they lost 5-10 pounds during the course of FLE. 12% (104/887) said they lost 10-15 pounds; 8% (72/887) said they lost 15-20 pounds; and 11% (100/887) said they lost 20 pounds or more. 22% (199/887) said that weight loss was not a goal.

13% (115/887) of customers said that they lost 1-3% of their body fat during the course of FLE. 6% (57/887) said they lost 3-5%; 2% (21/887) said they lost 5-7%; and 4% (32/887) said they lost 7% or more. 75% (662/887) did not measure body fat loss.

32% (281/887) of customers said that they lost 1-5 inches during the course of FLE. 7% (64/887) said they lost 6-10 inches; 3% (25/887) said they lost 11-15 inches; less than 1% (7/887) said they lost 16-20 inches; and 1% (9/887) said they lost more than 20 inches during FLE. 56% (501/887) said that they did not measure inches lost.

9% (81/887) of customers said that they gained 1-3% muscle mass during the course of FLE. 5% (45/887) said they gained 3-5%; 1% (13/887) said they gained 5-7%; and 1% (13/887) said they gained 7% or more. 83% (735/887) did not measure muscle mass gains.

12% (110/887) of customers said that FLE was tailor-made for them. 24% (211/887) of customers said that FLE felt more customized than other programs they’ve tried. 18% (156/887) said that FLE seemed no more nor less customized than other programs they’ve tried. 12% (109/887) said that FLE felt less customized than other programs they’ve tried. 34% (301/887) said they have not tried other programs.

Only 1% (13/887) completed FLE more than once.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “extremely difficult” and 5 is “extremely easy”, how easy it was for them to follow FLE, 19% (169/887) gave FLE a 5; 25% (222/887) gave it a 4; 32% (283/887) gave it a 3; 12% (105/887) gave it a 2; and 12% (108/887) gave it a 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “I didn’t follow it at all” and 5 is “I followed every detail”, how closely they followed FLE, 13% (117/887) gave FLE a 5; 27% (242/887) gave it a 4; 32% (288/887) gave it a 3; 12% (110/887) gave it a 2; and 15% (130/887) gave it a 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were to recommend FLE to family and friends, 37% (327/887) gave FLE a 5; 19% (171/887) gave it a 4; 19% (167/887) gave it a 3; 8% (74/887) gave it a 2; and 17% (148/887) gave it a 1.

70% (624/887) of customers identify as female. 28% (249/887) of the customers identify as male. Approximately 2% (14/887) of customers declined to answer, or do not identify as either female or male.

34% (302/887) of customers are over the age of 55. 28% (248/887) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 26% (228/887) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 9% (78/887) are between 25 and 34 years of age. 2% (21/887) are under the age of 24. 1% (10/887) declined to respond.

Burn evolved + fat loss xtreme


92 customers responded to our survey about BURN EVOLVED + Fat Loss Extreme.

51% (47/92) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN EVOLVED.

49% (45/92) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN EVOLVED.

53% (49/92) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED increased their metabolism.

48% (44/92) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them burn body fat.

49% (45/92) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN EVOLVED.

48% (44/92) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them lose weight.

4% (4/92) of customers described themselves as being “very fit” prior to purchasing Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 59% (54/92) described themselves as “somewhat fit”, and 37% (34/92) as “not fit at all”.

Prior to purchasing Fat Loss Extreme 14% (13/92) of customers worked out more than 5 times per week. 40% (37/92) worked out 2-4 times per week, 21% (19/92) worked out once per week, 13% (12/92) worked out less than once per week, and 12% (11/92) didn’t work out at all.

Once they started Fat Loss Extreme, 43% (40/92) of customers said they worked out more frequently. 22% (20/92) said they worked out more frequently with Fat Loss Extreme, but that their workouts were shorter. 9% (8/92) worked out more frequently with Fat Loss Extreme and their workouts were longer. 26% (24/92) said they worked out less frequently after starting Fat Loss Extreme.

Prior to purchasing Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED, 18% (17/92) of customers described their diet as “very healthy”. 66% (61/92) described their diet as “somewhat healthy”, and 15% (14/92) described their diet as “not healthy at all”.

17% (16/92) of customers said that they started eating healthier with Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED, and 33% (30/92) stated that their diet became more focused toward their goals. 50% (46/92) of customers said that Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED has no impact on their diet.

58% (53/92) of customers said that their primary body transformation goal when purchasing Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED was to lose weight. 31% (29/92) had the primary body transformation goal of losing body fat. 10% (9/92) wanted to lose inches, and 1% (1/92) wanted to build muscle mass.

1% (1/92) of customers said that they gained 20 or more pounds of lean muscle mass while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 2% (2/92) said that they gained 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass, 7% (6/92) said that they gained 5-10 pounds of lean muscle mass, and 12% (11/92) said they gained fewer than 5 pounds of lean muscle mass while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 78% (72/92) said that they did not measure their lean muscle.

1% (1/92) of customers said that they lost 7% of their body fat, or more, while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 2% (2/92) lost between 5 and 7%, 3% (3/92) lost between 3 and 5%, and 24% (22/92) lost between 1 and 3% of their body fat while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 70% (64/92) did not measure their body fat loss.

86% (79/92) of customers said that they lost between 1 and 5 inches while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 10% (9/92) lost 6-10 inches. 2% (2/92) said that they lost 11-15 inches, and 2% (2/92) said that they lost 20 inches or more.

24% (22/92) of customers said that they lost between 1 and 5 pounds while using Fat Loss Extreme and Brun. 12% (11/92) lost 6-10 pounds, 4% (4/92) lost 11-15 pounds, 5% (5/92) lost 16-20 pounds, and 12% (11/92) said that they had a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 42% (39/92) said that they did not lose any weight while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED.

91% (84/92) of customers said that they did not measure their muscle mass gains while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 3% (3/92) of customers said that they gained 1-3% muscle mass, 4% (4/92) said that they gained 3-5% muscle mass, and 1% (1/92) said that they gained 7% muscle mass or more while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED.

9% (8/92) of customers said that “Fat Loss Extreme was tailor-made for me”. 21% (19/92) said they felt that Fat Loss Extreme was more customized than other programs they had tried. 22% (20/92) said they felt that Fat Loss Extreme was no more nor less customized than other programs they had tried. 7% (7/92) said that Fat Loss Extreme felt less customized than other programs they had tried. 41% (38/92) of customers said that they have not tried any other programs.

Only about 2% (2/92) of customers completed Fat Loss Extreme more than once.

On a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “extremely difficult” and 5 is “extremely easy”, 30% (28/92) of customers ranked Fat Loss Extreme a 5, 15% (14/92) ranked it a 4, 27% (25/92) ranked it a 3, 11% (10/92) ranked it a 2, and 16% (15/92) ranked it a 1.

Customers were asked to indicate, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “I didn’t follow it at all” and 5 is “I followed every detail”, how well they followed Fat Loss Extreme. 14% (13/92) gave an answer of 5, 28% (26/92) gave an answer of 4, 29% (27/92) gave an answer of 3, 9% (8/92) gave an answer of 2, and 20% (18/92) gave an answer of 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED to family and friends, 30% (28/92) answered 5, 16% (15/92) answered 4, 17% (16/92) answered 3, 10% (9/92) answered 2, and 26% (24/92) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well BURN EVOLVED worked for them, 21% (19/92) answered 5, 18% (17/92) answered 4, 17% (16/92) answered 3, 13% (12/92) answered 2, and 30% (28/92) answered 1.

63% (58/92) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

59% (54/92) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 40% (37/92) identify as male. 1% (1/92) identify as neither male nor female.

39% (36/92) of customers are over the age of 55. 28% (26/92) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 24% (22/92) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 5% (5/92) are between 25 and 34 years of age. 1% (1/92) are under the age of 24. 2% (2/92) preferred not to answer.

Test Boost Max + Ripped in 90 Days


116 customers responded to our survey about TEST BOOST + RIPPED IN 90 DAYS (RI90+TB), a program and supplement package.

46% (54/116) of customers said they experienced an increased libido while taking Test Boost Max.

60% (70/116) of customers said they experienced improved athletic performance while taking Test Boost Max.

52% (60/116) of customers said, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them lose body fat.

61% (71/116) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Test Boost Max.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 3% (4/116) customers described their fitness level as “very fit”. 67% (78/116) said they were “somewhat fit”, and 29% (34/116) said they were “not fit at all”.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 14% (16/116) of customers said that they exercised 5 or more times per week. 45% (52/116) said they exercised 2-4 times per week; 17% (20/116) said once per week; 11% (13/116) said less than once per week; and 13% (15/116) said they did not exercise at all.

Once they started RI90+TB, 33% (38/116) of customers said that they worked out more frequently. 18% (21/116) said that they worked out more frequently with RI90+TB and their workouts were longer. 19% (22/116) said that they worked out more frequently with RI90+TB, but their workouts were shorter. 30% (35/116) said they worked out less frequently since starting RI90+TB.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 65% (75/116) of customers described their diet as “somewhat healthy.” 17% (20/116) said their diet was “very healthy” and 18% (21/116) said their diet was “not healthy at all.”

27% (31/116) of customers said that they “started eating healthier” since starting RI90+TB. 28% (33/116) said that, since starting RI90+TB, that their “diet became much more focused towards [their] goals”. 6% (7/116) said that they had been eating “less healthy” since starting RI90+TB. 39% (45/116) said that RI90+TB had no impact on their diet.

When purchasing RI90+TB, 30% (35/116) of customers stated that weight loss was their primary goal in terms of body transformation. 5% (6/116) wanted to lose inches; 36% (42/116) wanted to lose body fat; and 28% (33/116) wanted to build muscle mass.

Less than 1% (1/116) of customers said that they gained 20 pounds or more of lean muscle mass while using RI90+TB. 4% (5/116) said that they gained 15-20 pounds of lean muscle mass; 3% (4/116) said that they gained 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass; 29% (34/116) said that they gained 5-10 pounds of lean muscle mass, and 62% (71/116) said they gained fewer than 5 pounds of lean muscle mass while using RI90+TB.

3% (3/116) customers said that they lost 7% of their body fat or more, while using RI90+TB. 5% (6/116) said they lost 5-7%, 10% (12/116) said they lost 3-5%, and 18% (21/116) said they lost 1-3% of their body fat while using RI90+TB. 64% (56/116) of customers said that they did not measure body fat loss.

92% (107/116) of customers said that they lost between 1 and 5 inches while using RI90+TB. 7% (8/116) lost 6-10 inches; less than 1% (2/116) said that they lost 11-15 inches while using RI90+TB.

3% (3/116) of customers reported a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using RI90+TB. 6% (7/116) of customers said they lost 16-20 pounds; 7% (8/116) of customers said they lost 11-15 pounds, 20% (23/116) of customers said they lost 6-10 pounds; 28% (33/116) of customers said they lost 1-5 pounds; and 36% (42/116) of customers said that they did not lose any weight during the course of RI90+TB.

3% (3/116) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 7% or more while using RI90+TB. 9% (10/116) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 5-7%, 11% (13/116) reported a muscle mass gain of 3-5%, and 18% (21/116) reported a muscle mass gain of 1-3% while using RI90+TB. 59% (69/116) did not measure muscle mass gains.

9% (10/116) of customers said that “Ripped in 90 Days was tailor-made for me”. 18% (21/116) said they felt that Ripped in 90 Days was more customized than other programs they had tried. 13% (15/116) said they felt that Ripped in 90 Days was no more nor less customized than other programs they had tried. 9% (10/116) said that Ripped in 90 Days felt less customized than other programs they had tried. 52% (60/116) of customers said that they have not tried any other programs.

97% (112/116) of customers said that they have not completed Ripped in 90 Days more than once.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “extremely difficult” and 5 is “extremely easy”, how easy it was to follow the program, 21% (24/116) said that Ripped in 90 Days was a 5; 14% (16/116) answered 4; 40% (46/116) answered 3; 6% (7/116) answered 2; and 20% (23/116) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “I didn’t follow it at all” and 5 is “I followed every detail”, how closely they followed the program, 11% (13/116) said that they followed Ripped in 90 at a 5; 16% (18/116) answered 4; 38% (44/116) answered 3; 12% (14/116) answered 2; and 23% (27/116) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were to recommend RI90+TB to family and friends, 26% (30/116) answered 5, 16% (19/116) answered 4, 28% (32/116) answered 3, 11% (13/116) answered 2, and 19% (22/116) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well” how well Test Boost Max worked for them, 17% (20/116) of customers answered 5; 25% (29/116) answered 4; 22% (26/116) answered 3; 11% (13/116) answered 2; and 24% (28/116) answered 1.

66% (77/116) of customers who purchased RI90+TB said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

96% (113/116) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as male.

48% (56/116) of customers are over the age of 55. 27% (31/116) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 18% (21/116) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 5% (6/116) are between 25 and 34 years of age. Less than 1% (1/116) are under the age of 24, and less than 1% (1/116) declined to answer.

August 2021

From time-to-time SCULPT NATION submits to its clientele, surveys regarding their experience with various SCULPT NATION offers. SCULPT NATION emails every purchaser of each of its offers and asks them to participate in a survey related to the products and/or services they have purchased. The surveys are conducted with a view toward determining the average or “typical” results of a purchaser of the products and/or services that SCULPT NATION offers.

Not all customers respond to the surveys. Even among those customers who do respond to SCULPT NATION’s survey requests, such customers may not respond to every question.

The results of each survey conducted are summarized below. Please note that numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number percentage.

Burn evolved


425 customers responded to our survey about BURN EVOLVED, a supplement.

65% (303/465) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN EVOLVED.

52% (242/465) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN EVOLVED.

64% (299/465) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED increased their metabolism.

60% (277/465) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them burn body fat.

66% (309/465) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN EVOLVED.

56% (261/465) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them lose weight.

16% (74/465) of customers said they lost more than 20 pounds while taking BURN EVOLVED. 9% (42/465) lost 15-20 pounds, 10% (48/465) lost 10-15 pounds, 16% (76/465) lost 5-10 pounds, and 48% (225/465) lost fewer than 5 pounds while taking BURN EVOLVED.

9% (44/465) of customers said they lost 1-3% body fat while taking BURN EVOLVED. 5% (22/465) lost 3-5%, 4% (17/465) lost 5-7%, and 3% (12/465) lost 7% or more. 80% (370/465) of customers said that they did not measure their body fat while taking BURN EVOLVED.

When asked how well BURN EVOLVED worked for them, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, 22% (101/465) gave BURN EVOLVED a 5, 23% (108/465) gave it a 4, 23% (107/465) gave it a 3, 12% (56/465) gave it a 2, and 20% (93/465) gave it a 1.

75% (353/465) of customers said they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend BURN EVOLVED to family and friends, 32% (150/465) gave BURN EVOLVED a 5, 21% (96/465) gave it a 4, 19% (88/465) gave it a 3, 9% (44/465) gave it a 2, and 19% (87/465) gave it a 1.

62% (288/465) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 37% (172/465) identify as male.

38% (180/465) of customers are over the age of 55. 27% (125/465) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 23% (107/465) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 8% (36/465) are between 25 and 34 years of age. 3% (12/465) are under the age of 24.



52% (162/312) of customers said they experienced an increased libido while taking Test Boost Max.

61% (190/312) of customers said they experienced improved athletic performance while taking Test Boost Max.

65% (204/312) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Test Boost Max.

55% (171/312) of customers said, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them burn body fat.

5% (16/312) customers said that they lost 7% of their body fat or more, while taking Test Boost Max. 2% (6/312) said they lost 5-7%, 9% (28/312) said they lost 3-5%, and 14% (43/312) said they lost 1-3% of their body fat while taking Test Boost Max. 70% (219/312) of customers said that they did not measure body fat loss.

48% (149/312) of customers said that, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them lose weight.

9% (28/312) of customers reported a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using Test Boost Max. 8% (25/312) of customers said they lost 15-20 pounds, 10% of customers said they lost 10-15 pounds, 18% (57/312) of customers said they lost 5-10 pounds, and 55% (172/312) of customers said they lost fewer than 5 pounds, while using Test Boost Max.

55% (172/312) of customers said that, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them gain muscle.

3% (8/312) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 7% or more while taking Test Boost Max. 3% (11/312) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 5-7%, 5% (17/312) reported a muscle mass gain of 3-5%, and 14% (43/312) reported a muscle mass gain of 1-3% while taking Test Boost Max. 75% (233/312) did not measure muscle mass gains.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well Test Boost Max worked for them, 16% (51/312) answered 5, 30% (92/312) answered 4, 23% (73/312) answered 3, 14% (42/312) answered 2, and 17% (54/312) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were to recommend Test Boost Max to family and friends, 28% (88/312) answered 5, 24% (75/312) answered 4, 20% (62/312) answered 3, 9% (28/312) answered 2, and 19% (59/312) answered 1.

71% (225/312) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

96% (299/312) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as male.

55% (173/312) of customers are over the age of 55. 22% (70/312) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 13% (40/312) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 6% (20/312) are between 25 and 34 years of age. Less than 1% (2/312) are under the age of 24.



41% (85/207) of customers said they experienced enhanced mental clarity while taking Turmeric Black.

68% (140/207) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Turmeric Black.

60% (125/207) of customers said they experienced less inflammation while taking Turmeric Black.

68% (141/207) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking Turmeric Black.

61% (127/207) of customers said that, in their opinion, Turmeric Black helped them recover faster from their workouts.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well Turmeric Black worked for them, 25% (52/207) answered 5, 34% (70/207) answered 4, 19% (39/207) answered 3, 10% (21/207) answered 2, and 12% (25/207) answered 1.

80% (165/207) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were Turmeric Black to family and friends, 37% (76/207) answered 5, 25% (51/207) answered 4, 17% (36/207) answered 3, 7% (15/207) answered 2, and 14% (25/207) answered 1.

51% (106/207) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 48% (100/207) identify as male.

33% (69/207) of customers are over the age of 55. 31% (64/207) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 24% (49/207) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 9% (18/207) are between 25 and 34 years of age. 2% (4/207) are under the age of 24.

Burn PM


412 customers responded to our survey about BURN PM, a supplement.

63% (260/412) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN PM.

59% (245/412) of customers said, in their opinion, they experienced improved sleep quality while taking BURN PM.

50% (208/412) of customers said, in their opinion, that BURN PM helped them get to sleep faster.

57% (235/412) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN PM helped them burn body fat.

49% (203/412) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN PM.

62% (254/412) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN PM.

55% (225/412) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN PM helped them lose weight.

48% (196/412) of customers said, in their opinion, that BURN PM helped them recover fast from workouts.

17% (70/412) of customers said they lost more than 20 pounds while taking BURN PM. 7% (29/412) lost 15-20 pounds, 10% (43/412) lost 10-15 pounds, 18% (74/412) lost 5-10 pounds, and 48% (196/412) lost fewer than 5 pounds while taking BURN PM.

15% (62/412) of customers said they lost 1-3% body fat while taking BURN EVOLVED. 5% (19/412) lost 3-5%, 4% (15/412) lost 5-7%, and 6% (25/412) lost 7% or more. 70% (291/412) of customers said that they did not measure their body fat while taking BURN PM.

When asked how well BURN PM worked for them, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, 23% (96/412) gave BURN PM a 5, 23% (97/412) gave it a 4, 23% (93/412) gave it a 3, 13% (52/412) gave it a 2, and 18% (74/412) gave it a 1.

77% (318/412) of customers said they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend BURN PM to family and friends, 33% (136/412) gave BURN PM a 5, 21% (85/412) gave it a 4, 18% (76/412) gave it a 3, 10% (41/412) gave it a 2, and 18% (74/412) gave it a 1.

52% (214/412) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 48% (196/412) identify as male.

37% (154/412) of customers are over the age of 55. 32% (133/412) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 21% (87/412) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 7% (27/412) are between 25 and 34 years of age. 1% (5/412) are under the age of 24. 1% (6/412) declined to respond.

Burn evolved + fat loss xtreme


42% (43/103) of customers said they experienced less fatigue while taking BURN EVOLVED.

42% (43/103) of customers said they experienced a reduced appetite while taking BURN EVOLVED.

37% (38/103) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED increased their metabolism.

29% (30/103) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them burn body fat.

40% (41/103) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking BURN EVOLVED.

32% (33/103) of customers said, in their opinion, they think BURN EVOLVED helped them lose weight.

5% (5/103) of customers described themselves as being “very fit” prior to purchasing Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 48% (50/103) described themselves as “somewhat fit”, and 47% (48/103) as “not fit at all”.

Prior to purchasing Fat Loss Extreme 15% (15/103) of customers worked out more than 5 times per week. 38% (39/103) worked out 2-4 times per week, 16% (17/103) worked out once per week, 10% (10/103) worked out less than once per week, and 21% (22/103) didn’t work out at all.

Once they started Fat Loss Extreme, 37% (38/103) of customers said they worked out more frequently. 19% (20/103) said they worked out more frequently with Fat Loss Extreme, but that their workouts were shorter. 8% (8/103) worked out more frequently with Fat Loss Extreme and their workouts were longer. 36% (37/103) said they worked out less frequently after starting Fat Loss Extreme.

Prior to purchasing Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED, 14% (14/103) of customers described their diet as “very healthy”. 66% (68/103) described their diet as “somewhat healthy”, and 20% (21/103) described their diet as “not healthy at all”.

16% (17/103) of customers said that they started eating healthier with Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED, and 34% (35/103) stated that their diet became more focused toward their goals. 48% (49/103) of customers said that Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED has no impact on their diet, and 2% (2/103) said that they started to eat less healthy with Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED.

62% (64/103) of customers said that their primary body transformation goal when purchasing Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED was to lose weight. 34% (35/103) had the primary body transformation goal of losing body fat. 2% (2/103) wanted to lose inches, and 2% (2/103) wanted to build muscle mass.

5% (5/103) of customers said that they gained 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 14% (14/103) said that they gained 5-10 pounds of lean muscle mass, and 81% (84/103) said they gained fewer than 5 pounds of lean muscle mass while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED.

4% (4/103) of customers said that they lost 7% of their body fat, or more, while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 3% (3/103) lost between 5 and 7%, 2% (2/103) lost between 3 and 5%, and 14% (15/103) lost between 1 and 3% of their body fat while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 77% (79/103) did not measure their body fat loss.

90% (93/103) of customers said that they lost between 1 and 5 inches while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 6% (6/103) lost 6-10 inches. Less than 1% (1/103) said that they lost 11-15 inches or 16-20 inches, and just under 2% (2/103) said that they lost 20 inches or more.

24% (25/103) of customers said that they lost between 1 and 5 pounds while using Fat Loss Extreme and Brun. 17% (18/103) lost 6-10 pounds, 5% (5/103) lost 11-15 pounds, 2% (2/103) lost 16-20 pounds, and 8% (8/103) said that they had a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 44% (45/103) said that they did not lose any weight while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED.

88% (91/103) of customers said that they did not measure their muscle mass gains while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED. 4% (4/103) of customers said that they gained 1-3% muscle mass, 7% (7/103) said that they gained 3-5% muscle mass, and less than 1% (1/103) said that they gained 7% muscle mass or more while using Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED.

6% (6/103) of customers said that “Fat Loss Extreme was tailor-made for me”. 20% (21/103) said they felt that Fat Loss Extreme was more customized than other programs they had tried. 19% (20/103) said they felt that Fat Loss Extreme was no more nor less customized than other programs they had tried. 15% (15/103) said that Fat Loss Extreme felt less customized than other programs they had tried. 40% (41/103) of customers said that they have not tried any other programs.

Only about 2% (2/103) of customers completed Fat Loss Extreme more than once.

On a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “extremely difficult” and 5 is “extremely easy”, 23% (24/103) of customers ranked Fat Loss Extreme a 5, 13% (13/103) ranked it a 4, 33% (34/103) ranked it a 3, 8% (8/103) ranked it a 2, and 23% (24/103) ranked it a 1.

Customers were asked to indicate, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “I didn’t follow it at all” and 5 is “I followed every detail”, how well they followed Fat Loss Extreme. 19% (19/103) gave an answer of 5, 20% (21/103) gave an answer of 4, 23% (24/103) gave an answer of 3, 14% (14/103) gave an answer of 2, and 24% (25/103) gave an answer of 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, if they would recommend Fat Loss Extreme and BURN EVOLVED to family and friends, 21% (22/103) answered 5, 11% (11/103) answered 4, 14% (14/103) answered 3, 14% (14/103) answered 2, and 41% (42/103) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”, how well BURN EVOLVED worked for them, 15% (16/103) answered 5, 9% (9/103) answered 4, 13% (13/103) answered 3, 13% (13/103) answered 2, and 50% (52/103) answered 1.

40% (41/103) of customers said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

54% (56/103) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as female. 45% (46/103) identify as male.

47% (48/103) of customers are over the age of 55. 23% (24/103) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 23% (24/103) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 4% (4/103) are between 25 and 34 years of age. 1% (1/103) are under the age of 24.

Test Boost Max + Ripped in 90 Days


105 customers responded to our survey about TEST BOOST + RIPPED IN 90 DAYS (RI90+TB), a program and supplement package.

50% (53/105) of customers said they experienced an increased libido while taking Test Boost Max.

59% (62/105) of customers said they experienced improved athletic performance while taking Test Boost Max.

46% (48/105) of customers said, in their opinion, they think Test Boost Max helped them burn body fat.

69% (72/105) of customers said they experienced higher energy levels while taking Test Boost Max.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 7% (7/105) customers described their fitness level as “very fit”. 65% (68/105) said they were “somewhat fit”, and 28% (30/105) said they were “not fit at all”.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 24% (25/105) of customers said that they exercised 5 or more times per week. 44% (46/105) said they exercised 2-4 times per week; 12% (13/105) said once per week; 10% (10/105) said less than once per week; and 10% (11/105) said they did not exercise at all.

Once they started RI90+TB, 44% (46/105) of customers said that they worked out more frequently. 23% (24/105) said that they worked out more frequently with RI90+TB and their workouts were longer. 9% (10/105) said that they worked out more frequently with RI90+TB, but their workouts were shorter. 24% (25/105) said they worked out less frequently since starting RI90+TB.

Prior to purchasing RI90+TB, 68% (71/105) of customers described their diet as “somewhat healthy.” 13% (14/105) said their diet was “very healthy” and 19% (20/105) said their diet was “not healthy at all.”

29% (31/105) of customers said that they “started eating healthier” since starting RI90+TB. 23% (24/105) said that, since starting RI90+TB, that their “diet became much more focused towards [their] goals”. 4% (4/105) said that they had been eating “less healthy” since starting RI90+TB. 44% (46/105) said that RI90+TB had no impact on their diet.

When purchasing RI90+TB, 39% (41/105) of customers stated that weight loss was their primary goal in terms of body transformation. 10% (11/105) wanted to lose inches; 29% (30/105) wanted to lose body fat; and 22% (23/105) wanted to build muscle mass.

3% (3/105) of customers said that they gained 20 pounds or more of lean muscle mass while using RI90+TB. 2% (2/105) said that they gained 15-20 pounds of lean muscle mass; 4% (4/105) said that they gained 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass; 20% (21/105) said that they gained 5-10 pounds of lean muscle mass, and 71% (75/105) said they gained fewer than 5 pounds of lean muscle mass while using RI90+TB.

6% (6/105) customers said that they lost 7% of their body fat or more, while using RI90+TB. 7% (7/105) said they lost 5-7%, 10% (11/105) said they lost 3-5%, and 24% (25/105) said they lost 1-3% of their body fat while using RI90+TB. 53% (56/105) of customers said that they did not measure body fat loss.

90% (95/105) of customers said that they lost between 1 and 5 inches while using RI90+TB. 8% (8/105) lost 6-10 inches; 2% (2/105) said that they lost 11-15 inches while using RI90+TB.

7% (7/105) of customers reported a weight loss of greater than 20 pounds while using RI90+TB. 7% (7/105) of customers said they lost 16-20 pounds; 9% (9/105) of customers said they lost 11-15 pounds, 17% (18/105) of customers said they lost 6-10 pounds; 32% (34/105) of customers said they lost 1-5 pounds; and 29% (30/105) of customers said that they did not lose any weight during the course of RI90+TB.

4% (4/105) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 7% or more while using RI90+TB. 7% (7/105) of customers reported a muscle mass gain of 5-7%, 4% (4/105) reported a muscle mass gain of 3-5%, and 17% (18/105) reported a muscle mass gain of 1-3% while using RI90+TB. 68% (72/105) did not measure muscle mass gains.

6% (6/105) of customers said that “Ripped in 90 Days was tailor-made for me”. 22% (23/105) said they felt that Ripped in 90 Days was more customized than other programs they had tried. 14% (15/105) said they felt that Ripped in 90 Days was no more nor less customized than other programs they had tried. 5% (5/105) said that Ripped in 90 Days felt less customized than other programs they had tried. 53% (56/105) of customers said that they have not tried any other programs.

Only 4% (4/105) of customers said that they completed Ripped in 90 Days more than once.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “extremely difficult” and 5 is “extremely easy”, how easy it was to follow the program, 17% (18/105) said that Ripped in 90 Days was a 5; 17% (18/105) answered 4; 36% (38/105) answered 3; 8% (8/105) answered 2; and 22% (23/105) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “I didn’t follow it at all” and 5 is “I followed every detail”, how closely they followed the program, 11% (12/105) said that they followed Ripped in 90 at a 5; 18% (19/105) answered 4; 30% (31/105) answered 3; 12% (13/105) answered 2; and 29% (30/105) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely likely”, how likely they were to recommend RI90+TB to family and friends, 34% (36/105) answered 5, 16% (17/105) answered 4, 11% (12/105) answered 3, 11% (12/105) answered 2, and 27% (28/105) answered 1.

When asked, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well” how well Test Boost Max worked for them, 20% (21/105) of customers answered 5; 23% (24/105) answered 4; 19% (20/105) answered 3; 9% (9/105) answered 2; and 29% (31/105) answered 1.

67% (70/105) of customers who purchased RI90+TB said that they would purchase additional products or programs from SCULPT NATION.

100% (105/105) of the customers who responded to the survey identify as male.

25% (26/105) of customers are over the age of 55. 30% (31/105) are between 45 and 54 years of age. 33% (35/105) are between 35 and 44 years of age. 11% (12/105) are between 25 and 34 years of age. Less than 1% (1/105) are under the age of 24.